Address: 266 FL-7 , Margate, FL. 33063
Phone: (954) 917-4772
Fax: (954) 917-4773
We are located in South Florida (Broward County)
We are on State Road 7 (441) 1 block South of Atlantic Blvd.
(In a shopping plaza directly across the street from Advance Auto Parts)
Regular Hours: (September - May)
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm
Saturday's: 10am - 6pm
Sunday's: 12pm - 3pm
Closed On Most Holiday's:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
No Credit Needed Leasing
*easy to qualify see store for details
0% Interest for 12 Months
*with approved credit see store for details
Our Service's
Exporting Available
Deliver & Setup Available
We Finance